DLU - Dune Sistemi

DLU is a complex communication board capable of receiving a great number of different signals at intermediate frequency. The board is equipped with high-performance band pass filters to attenuate all noise and signals outside the band of interest.

The conversion to digital is implemented with an ADC with high dynamics and able to work both in under sampling and over sampling. The board is equipped with an FPGA which has the task of processing the signal and calculating its statistics.

There is also an ARM processor capable of managing all the operations carried out by the board and driving the external interfaces: MIL-STD 1553, serial synchronous and serial asynchronous.

The board is specifically designed to operate without errors within a wide temperature range and can support shock and vibrations according to customer specifications. DUNE has been responsible for the development of the HW and part of the FW processing.

A test bench has also been developed, able to test the individual functionalities of the board by means of a bed of needles, through which it is possible to acquire the signals inside the same board.