Dune attended the MILIPOL Paris 2019 – France The MILIPOL is a Leading Event for Homeland Security and Safety that took place in Paris on November 19 – 22, 2019
Dune attended the MILIPOL Paris 2019 – France The MILIPOL is a Leading Event for Homeland Security and Safety that took place in Paris on November 19 – 22, 2019
. Dune attended the FLORIAN Messe in Dresden – Germany. The FLORIAN is a trade fair for Fire Brigades, Civil Protection and Disaster Control that took place October 10 -12, 2019 in Dresden, Germany. Integrating the rescue service forum into FLORIAN stands for the holistic approach to regard all rescue forces in this unique fair.
INSAT – In the context of Clean Sky EU Project, Dune has turned out winner of the INSAT project which involves the construction of a Test Bench for the new aircrafts Tilt Rotors that will be realized by Leonardo Helicopters SpA.
In the frame of the very competitive SME-Instrument-Phase 2 of the European Commission, the PROTECT project by DUNE has been selected and granted: this project is about the scale-up and international marketing of the DUNE infrastructure-free pedestrian tracking ARIANNA system, which is solely based on wearable inertial sensors, possibly augmented by ancillary sensors (compass, altimeter,…
Dune will attend the FIDAE exhibition in Santiago Chile 3 – 8 April 2018. FIDAE is one of the world’s most important aerospace, defence and security exhibition, taking place in Latin America.
Selected by the European Commission for the participation to the Gitex Technology Week 2017 (Dubai 08 – 12 October 2017). Dune will participate to the event and will perform several demonstrations for the invited participants to our localization system (Arianna).
Dune participated to the China International Conference on Inertial Technology and Navigation in Beijing during which our Dr. Enrico De Marinis presented the article “Contextual Processing for Pedestrian Tracking in Infrastructure-free and GPS-denied Environments” on 1st November, 2016 receiving a great success.
Dune will attend the IPIN 2016 Seventh International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, on October 4-7, 2016 – University of Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain. Dune will have the opportunity to submit a technical paper regarding the Arianna System not previously published and will have the occasion to make a demonstration of…
Parlare di sistemi di tracking per aziende può sembrare una discussione specialistica il cui numero di interessati è relativamente basso, invece possiamo dimostrare che in tanti settori un nostro brevetto, Arianna, lo scorso 10 e 11 Aprile vincitrice della Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition di Vienna, rappresenta una soluzione ideale. Vediamo nei particolari in quali: estrazione…